Making Scripture Relevant

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Created By God

For Mother’s Day, my daughters bought me a t-shirt that says, “I do crafts” and it has glasses and pints of beer on it. Although I do like craft beer, I also like to do crafts. I like to be creative and make things.

I create flower arrangements in my home and this year one of my new year’s resolutions was to make a new wreath each month to put on my front door. Even when my daughters where young, we’d have some project to do during the summer. One year we made our own sling purses, where they picked out their own fabric, thread and closures and taught them how to sew on the sewing machine. Recently my mom visited and I recruited her to get crafty with me by re-painting some yard art and make a wine cork wreath.

There is something satisfying in creating something with your own hands. I believe God knows that feeling. When He looks at a beautiful sunset or a star filled sky, I imagine God saying, “it is good.” Then when God sees His children reaching out in love to one another, He is like that proud parent who witnesses their child doing something good without being told, and says, “it is very good!”

Remember as you go about your day that you are created by God and you are called to go color the world with your gifts and talents. The world is a better place because you are in it!