Making Scripture Relevant

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Deserted Place

The Gospel reading for this weekend for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is Luke 9:11b-17. It is the story of Jesus taking the fish and loaves, blessing it and feeding the crowds of people.

Although I’ve heard the story so many times, this time, I picked up on a phrase I don’t recall hearing…deserted place. Although I remember the disciples saying it was a day’s journey into town to get food and I pictured Jesus sort of elevated on the side of a hill speaking to thousands of people all around, I didn’t hear the words deserted place. And those are the words that Jesus has put into my heart this week, so I’ve been contemplating these words, deserted place.

I can’t help but wonder if these are the words that stand out because of my recent move from Kansas City to Austin TX. Kansas City had been my homebase for over 30 years and where my husband spent his entire life. I feel like those words are important for me to hear and reflect on because, they are a reminder that though we are a 10 hour drive from family and friends, it doesn’t mean we have deserted our family or that we are on a desert island.

This past week we had a family member spend a week in the hospital, a close family friend commit suicide and one of our God-children is undergoing several tests to help determine why she’s feeling so yucky. It is hard to be away when we really want to be there.

We still have a connection and an obligation to reach out and do what we can to support and love our friends and family. Through my reflections, I’ve come to understand more deeply that even though we are not there physically, we can be there emotionally and still bring comfort, it just looks differently than it did before.

Like with the loaves and the fish, we can bring forth what we can and with God’s blessing, it is more than enough for everyone. I am grateful for the timing of this scripture, and the reassurance I have found that we can continue to show up for those we care about, it just might take an act of faith or a little miracle (ie. God’s help) to help us navigate what is looks like when we are so far away.