Making Scripture Relevant

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Door of Faith

When you see a church or a steeple, what do you think? For some it is a sanctuary and others is stirs up negative thoughts, feelings, or experiences. However, no matter what emotions you feel, they are a part of your faith story and your faith story begins at birth and ends with death.

To me, your faith story is a unique as you are and as I said, something that you carry with you throughout your life. Perhaps there are times when you cling to your faith and other times when you want to ignore it, but every person has a relationship with faith because whether you believe or not, you were created by God.

So today, take time to think about your faith story. Then write an “elevator speech” to describe and highlight the pivotal moments of your own faith story. In a few short sentences share the desert places and mountain top experiences, maybe including specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times. 

Write it down and then put it in your Bible so it can be added to the many other stories of faith! And then the next time you are in a church, whether you attend regularly or haven’t been to church in a while, remember your story and think about all of the others who have brought their stories to the altar. It’s an amazing way to take something intimate and personal and join it with hundreds or thousands of others, a reminder of how you are a part of something much greater than yourself.

Open the doors ~ go on in ~ let your faith be shown!