Making Scripture Relevant

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Favor With You

When my girls were little, they’d ask me, “Mom, whose your favorite?” When they asked me this, they were generally seeking affirmation and love BUT sometimes they just wanted me to say them so they could have something to run in the faces of their sisters. It’s natural for children to seek the approval and attention of their parents. We want our parents to find favor with us over others.

To avoid problems and cause it’s true, I’d always respond, “your Dad is my favorite”. This of course irritated them to no end. I didn’t give the answer they desired, but I did give them and example of how it is important to show favor within your marriage.

Today, now that the girls are older, they no longer ask whose my favorite. Instead they sort of stake claim or ownership over the title by proclaiming one of their sisters is or that they are based on whomever at the moment is getting the attention. When they self-proclaim, they are feeling especially loved and attended to by their Dad and I.

While reflecting on this, I can’t get the sing song, “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage” out of my head! (Hopefully writing it out will help)

I’m also thinking about how God first loves us and shows us favor so then we have an example of what it feels like and how to do it. Through God’s example, we are able to find another who also expresses love and favor for us.

I pray my daughters will find someone who loves them and favors them as much as my husband and I do. I also pray that he and I have been good role models for what love looks like.

Every person deserves to be loved and favored by someone. If you don’t know what it feels like, turn to God first…he’s been waiting to lavish you with unconditional love!