Making Scripture Relevant

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He Spoke to US on the Way

When I heard this reading during Mass this week, I was listening VERY intently. I have always loved the story, but it is amazing to me how Jesus just walked up on these two and joined in; they were so distracted with what they were talking about, the didn’t even notice him!

I actually giggled when I heard the priest read the phase Jesus spoke, “what sort of things?” He said it in such a sarcastic way, as though Jesus was saying, REALLY!?!? as if I don’t know what happened in Jerusalem because it happened to ME!!!

However, Jesus continues to walk with them, listening, patiently until he says, “oh, how foolish you are!” But they still didn’t recognize Jesus until they invited him in and he broke the bread and gave it to them. How many opportunities did they have to realize that Jesus was with them all along??? Well, about as many as we have…endless!

We can begin the week at Mass and recognize Jesus in the Word spoken to us and in the Eucharist but do we always recognize him in the people with whom we attend Mass with each week? Do we see Jesus in the person checking out our groceries at the store or in the eyes of the homeless on the corner? Sometimes, unfortunately Jesus goes unnoticed in the people around us and we miss out on the opportunity to serve Christ.

Like the disciples whom Jesus walked with to Emmaus, we could be in the presence of Jesus and miss out, but when they looked back, they remembered how when they had been with Jesus before he died, they felt his presence as though their hearts were burning. They also felt that burning within when they were walking on the road but they were too focused on what had happened, they were unable to be present in the moment.

I think it is good practice for us to make note, take inventory at the end of the day to see where Jesus showed up in our lives that day. Spending time looking back on your day to see where Jesus was present will help you become more aware of when and where he shows up and help you be more present in the moment too. After a while, it is amazing how you can begin to spend big parts of your day in the presence of Jesus!