Making Scripture Relevant

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His Hand

I don’t think Jesus knew how much he was needed in the world.

I think when he cured Peter’s Mother-in-law, and then the whole town came to him…he was a bit overwhelmed.

This is why he went out to a deserted place, to be alone and talk to God.  He needed to clear his head.

But then he concluded (as God directed and desired) to go to the next town.

However, I don’t think Jesus really knew that he’d find the need, just as great, for people to be healed in the next town.

And the next.

I think this is similar to what Mother Teresa found in Calcutta.

She’d turn another corner and see a greater need for healing than where she had just been.

It is discouraging but it can also motivate.  It can rejuvenate you and your desire to continue on, to fight harder and to work towards meeting the need.

Unfortunately, in both cases, there was not and end to the suffering.  There are still many who need the healing touch of Jesus.

Let us pray that Jesus will stretch out his hand and touch all those who are in need of his healing touch!