Making Scripture Relevant

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Jesus is the Gate

I was honored to be asked to be the Confirmation Sponsor of one of my God-Daughter’s. Prior to the celebration of the sacrament, the Bishop asked to speak to the Candidates and Sponsors. I was excited to hear what the Bishop had to share.

At first he gave a little background about his life, where he grew up and how he came to decide that he was being called to the priesthood and then later appointed Bishop. He talked about how as Bishop, he has the special “staff” which looks like a shepherds hook which is a reminder to him how he is to lead the people whom have been put in his care.

He said because he so strongly believes in his call, he needed to speak with them before Mass to give them some things to remember. He told them that when he was in college, he was a part of a bible study and it was during this time when he spent time reflecting on the scripture passage where Jesus says you must enter the narrow gate.

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)

The Bishop told them the way through the narrow gate requires them to stay connected to Jesus and the best ways he has learned to do this is to 1) Attend Mass every Sunday, 2) Seek forgiveness for sins by going to Reconciliation/Confession and 3) Read the Gospels.

He also spoke with them about the importance of their Baptism and how they would ‘renew’ the promises made at their Baptism that night. He told them that they weren’t getting anything they didn’t already have through the sacrament of Confirmation, rather the gifts would be ‘sealed’ within them so that they might now have the confidence to go out and share them.

I really appreciated the Bishop taking the time to talk with the teens and share with them some of his thoughts beforehand as he’d not be able to share all he wanted to share during Mass. It was a good example of how to model Jesus and he told the group that we all have sheep in our lives whom we are to care for and lead to Jesus; it isn’t just the job of the Bishop.

I think this particular scripture, “whoever enters through me (Jesus, the narrow gate) will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:9) reflects so well the phrase farmers and ranchers use, “put out to pasture".” They use it in reference to animals who have done all they can, are too old and/or have completed the work anticipated of them, so they are then free to roam.

I believe we are here on earth to do all we can to live out our Baptismal Promises and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. When we have lived a full life and completed the work God intended for us to accomplish we will come to the gate and will be “put out to pasture.” As like the animals, we will have worked hard and will get to live the rest of our days in heaven!