Making Scripture Relevant

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Lay Down

Surrender. This is thought to be a weakness in the eyes of the world. You surrender to give up, give in and release power. This is a world’s view. In God’s eyes, to surrender is a good thing.

I cannot tell you the exact date but I can remember the view, the day I surrendered my life to God. Prior to that moment, I was a faithful person, living faithfully and doing all I could but I was making the choices and leading my life. I was lying flat on the ground looking up to the crucifix at my church. Literally laying on the carpet…I still can feel the fabric on my body.

It was a moment of time I will NEVER regret. Since that day, I’ve worked to remain in the place of surrender, non-resistance to God’s call, and try to submit to God completely.

This is a tall order and I struggle sometimes by allowing my ego to get in the way or letting someone else make my decisions for me, but my goal is to submit to God. I do this because I know God has my best interests at heart. I do this because I trust God implicitly. 100%. I do this because I He’s already done it for me!