Making Scripture Relevant

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Living Bread

In today’s society there are many who have gluten allergies or sensitivities. This means bread products are off limits! Fortunately this is not the bread Jesus refers to when he speaks of bread.

Several years ago I took a class where we ate the “foods of Jesus” and learned about him and the places he traveled while sampling food Jesus would have eaten while on earth. It was fascinating! We made fig jam, unleavened bread and tried several herbs used during that time which are still prevalent today. It was such a good class…one generally is when food is involved!

In the first reading this week from Deuteronomy, we hear about this manna from heaven. This manna was simple and could be made again and again like a sourdough starter; in order for the manna to sustain them. Manna contains no salt or sugar or yeast or gluten. It is truly Jesus, the word made flesh for the world to eat and be filled.

It’s no wonder when we go out to eat, and bread is served we devour it. We are starving for Jesus to fill us! Then when the bread fills us up so we can’t eat the actual meal, well it’s probably so we can consume more of Jesus (hehe)!