Making Scripture Relevant

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Made worthy

One of my favorite phrases I learned when attending conferences for my job as a Youth Minister was that “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” I have lost count on how many times I’ve said these words and how many people I’ve encouraged with them; including myself!

I even did an entire workshop presentation at a Diocesan Sponsored day on Stewardship with these words as my primary focus. The purpose of the workshop was to remind people in the church that in the Bible there are many people whom we look to who we say did great things, but only did great things because God willed it and they accepted the call. My main focus was to point out the teenagers God asked to do some pretty important things. The ones who stand out are David being the youngest of twelve sons, John the Beloved Disciple and the young unwed pregnant teen whom we cherish and honor, Mary, the Mother of Jesus!

We were created for a purpose and that purpose is to love and trust God so we can make a difference in the world. Whenever I feel I’m not good enough or not qualified to complete a task, all I need is to go to the Bible to be reminded of how, again and again, God qualifies those he calls. When I make room for God, He accomplishes more than I ever could by myself. And in my stepping aside to allow God to have center stage, it’s like a gold stamp of approval. I cannot sparkle and shine without Him!