Making Scripture Relevant

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Make Me A Wellspring

What does this even mean? To be a wellspring? Who wants that? Well, actually we all have the desire inside to be a wellspring. It’s the desire to love and be loved. To be able to spread love and compassion to others because we have so much we can’t help but share.

To be a wellspring of good things means I am a good person. This means I am kind and generous to all people, not just those who think like me or look like me. To be a wellspring means I share a smile and watch it become contagious; causing a chain reaction of positive vibes.

A wellspring never runs dry, it continues to flow because it is connected to the source. God had everlasting resources which are unconditional! The only thing you have to do is pay it forward!

In the news there are so many negative stories and images that bring fear and ignite division. There is good news happening, don’t let it suck you in and take away the joy of living water. Draw energy from the one who saves!

When you draw on living water, it refreshes your soul. What are some of the things that bring you life? For me it is taking a walk, feeling the wind in my hair, spending time “be-ing” and not “do-ing”, talking to God and others whom I love. These are the thing that give me life, brings me joy and satisfies my soul.

Don’t spend your time consuming media - especially if it is not feeding you or helping you become a better person by stimulating your energy or brain. It is easy to fall into the consumption mindset when there are limited or no outside expectations on you.

However there ARE outside expectations on you, they are put on you by God to be there for one another. It is actually a commandment. You need to love your neighbor as yourself which means you need to reach out and check in on others, especially during this challenging time.

We are all in this chaos together and can only take one day at a time. As believers, we should know that this is only temporary and when we come together to support one another, we are stronger. Reach down to find the wellspring of hope that was put inside you. Open your heart and allow God to shine through. Be a good person!