Making Scripture Relevant

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Pick Me Up

This action will happen again and again and again and again; continuous as a chairlift, God will pick you up when you fall! God is there to pick you up when you are weary or too tired or frustrated or hurt.

This week’s readings got me thinking about the similarities between a SHEPHERD and a FISHERMAN. Why? Well, God chose Shepherds to carry out his message and Jesus chose Fishermen to do the same thing. Here is where my reflections got me…

1 - Shepherds and Fishermen must have patience. Their work is slow and methodical. It requires a lot of waiting.

2 - They both need to be vigilant. They need to be on guard and aware of their surroundings. They are ready for whatever might come next.

3 - Both jobs have tasks that are repetitive, that are done over and over or done in the same way each time.

Of course there are probably many more similarities and just as many differences but for me, the lesson to learn from this scripture is wrapped up in these three similarities. These are the lessons…

1 - I need to be more patient with myself. I will fail and fall down but God isn’t done with me yet and I’ll probably fail and fall several more times but it is okay. Also, I need to trust in God’s timing so I need to just WAIT! The world right now is all about immediate responses and instant gratification but God doesn’t work this way. This reminder helps me to not get frustrated when prayers are not answered the minute I utter the words.

2 - I need to remember to trust that the answer is coming. I can’t give up. I believe God will provide an answer, it just may not be in the way I expect so I need to be vigilant. Stay awake and be ready for whatever comes my way!

3 - I need to continue to show up and do the work. Even if I don’t see God or feel God doesn’t mean God isn’t here! His love is continuous like the chairlift and will continue to show up over and over and over again to pick me up!