Making Scripture Relevant

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Reflecting Love

Have you ever thought, you might be the only example of Christ a person will see today? When I consider this as an option, I certainly work harder to be kind and notice to others. It can be a slippery slope to become detached from others thoughts and feelings and only focus on yourself. I try to make a real effort to reflect God’s love from me and onto others; I don’t always succeed!

It might be hard to imagine but there are Christians who don’t act very Christian. So having the bumper sticker that says WWJD isn’t a “get out of jail free card” when you treat someone differently than you would your Pastor. It’s especially during this season of unrest in the world with COVID-19 restrictions, we are called to be Christ to one another. If you’ve been under the same roof with the same people for the past 3-4 weeks, it probably gets super difficult to always reflect God’s love.

I mean, you are trying to adjust to working from home and making sure all of the connections are there and that you have everything you need to complete your tasks; this is just level one. Then you have to figure out what working from home looks like for you to successfully complete your work in a professional manner with a pet vying for your attention, your kids screaming or fighting in the background or worse in the foreground and possibly sharing your new, work at home space with your spouse/significant other; level two. Then to add even more levels to this (perhaps I should be calling them layers of cake we can binge eat once everyone goes to bed - OOHHH YEAH!) about how you also have the added job of being your child’s teacher. This causes conflict because you need to figure out a new way to prioritize your work time and your time being a teacher and family time and certainly the time you can set aside for personal growth/development or if we are being honest, your time to just breathe!

More thank likely the last thing you are thinking about is how you can reflect God’s love to others. You are just merely trying not to kill your kids, your spouse/significant other or the person who took the last package of toilet paper off the shelf! There is no time for you to even reflect on how you might reflect God’s love!!!

This quarantine time is certainly an opportune time for us to carve out the time you need to reflect on how you can and will reflect God’s love. It is a necessary piece of the puzzle of life. When you are able to embrace God's love 1) you can’t help but share it and 2) it’s like a boomerang, it will come back to you! It’s contagious! However, unlike the corona-virus, we want this to spread and we can all benefit from a little more of it!!!