Making Scripture Relevant

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Saw and Believed

In Mark’s Gospel, the women go to anoint Jesus body after he had been buried. As they are on their way, they realize they didn’t plan on how they would get into the tomb which was blocked by an enormous stone, they asked, “who will roll away the stone for us?”

When they arrive, they find the stone is already rolled away.

Have you ever been in a place like this? A place where you are on your way to do something and realize that you are not as prepared as you originally thought but when you arrive, the red carpet is already laid out for you? This is how Jesus works; he is there to take care of the details and to remind you that he will never leave you!

Spend time in reflection and prayer to be reminded of a time when this same thing happened to you and then write a prayer for Easter to pray over the next six weeks to let Jesus know how much you love and appreciate his presence in your life.