Send Forth
At times I can feel desperate and alone even though I have many people in my life who love and care for me. It is during these low times when I know Satan is trying to take my weakness and multiply it into something bigger, more permanent.
Any little opening, Satan will swoop in and take your little moment of doubt and turn it into a mountain of doubt that can seem overwhelming. It is a slippery slope! I’ve done something meaningless like trip up the stairs and my inner voice can spiral me into negative thoughts about how I’m worthless and incompetent, incapable of doing anything right. This is my cue that that inner voice is NOT the Holy Spirit guiding me!
I’ve been in enough battles with Satan to know this is one of his specialties and yes, I’ve lost many battles where I’ve believed the lies. I listened to them as though they were truths and let them guide decisions which turned out to be disastrous.
I read a book that helped make all the difference! It is the “Interior Castle” by Saint Teresa of Avila. It opened me up to building my relationship with the Holy Spirit and to rely on the gifts to the spirit to make me stronger. In the book, she describes how there are several rooms within a castle and how as you get further inside, it is difficult to penetrate during battle.
Saint Teresa of Avila suggested a method that I found very helpful when that inner voice came at me with negativity. She suggested shouting out loud, “You’re not welcome here! or Go away from me! or There’s no room for you!” I recommend this practice highly but you actually have to say it out loud, not just in your head. When I say it aloud, with conviction, I feel the negative presence leave and the power of the Holy Spirit standing with me!
I learned that the closer I got to the Holy Spirit, the less I had the negative thoughts. Like Saint Teresa of Avila suggested, I was moving further into the castle where Satan couldn’t reach me. This is important to know and hard to practice but only possible with the Holy Spirit.
I’ve also found it encouraging to say the Prayer to the Holy Spirit,
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire for your love! Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth!”
When I pray this prayer, it sets me right. It puts my focus on seeking what is good and right and just. I’m able to be in the right mindset that when I send forth the Holy Spirit I know I am going to be okay!