Making Scripture Relevant

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Time Draws Near

After Jesus was baptized, he went into the desert for 40 days. When he emerged from the desert, Jesus began his public ministry of sharing the Good News. He quickly gained followers, travel companions and friends. He healed the sick, performed miracles and the number of believers grew. Each step of the way, Jesus was walking towards the cross.

In the Gospel, Jesus spoke the words, “my appointed time draws near.” He could feel the tension building.

Even though Jesus was welcomed into the city, he knew the end was near. He knew he had been doing the work, preparing the soil and planning the seeds. He had been face to face with the weakest of the weak and gave them strength. Jesus had done miraculous things and knew there was more to come.

Like Jesus, we, during the Lenten Season have been doing the work. We have been disciplined in our chosen fast/alms-giving/prayer. We have worked hard to stay on task. We have gone the extra mile, we have sacrificed time and we have done the best we can to bring God to the forefront of our daily practices. So, like Jesus, we know Holy Week is upon us. We have turned a corner and see the end in sight.

Unlike Jesus, we don’t have to celebrate our last Passover meal with our beloved friends, knowing they will all run away in shame of being one of his trusted companions. We won’t have to listen to the people cry out, “crucify him”. We won’t be beaten to near death, then have to parade through town carrying a cross on which we will draw our last breath.

No. Only Jesus.

We ARE asked to be there with him, to walk the walk, to experience the journey, if only to help carry at last the weight we put on the cross to weight it down. We ARE asked to understand this suffering is not done FOR us, rather it is done WITH us…Jesus is there carrying the cross of all of the suffering and sin of the past but also of the future. We ARE asked to be like Mary, and never take her eyes off of Jesus, to be with him each step of the way, even to the point of death because it was never promised life would be easy.

This week is not just a re-telling of stories of something that happened long ago, to someone we kind of know. NO! This is happening to us today! This is our brother and our sister who are burdened with shame and sin. It is our suffering AND our rejoicing. It’s our time to acknowledge our role in Jesus’ life and his role in ours. Take up the cross. Stay awake. It’s the least we can do for what has been given.