Making Scripture Relevant

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Turn Your Back

When I watch a medical drama or some action/adventure/war type show, I cover my eyes when the scene gets bloody.

I just don’t like to watch it.

I think in the case of the medial drama, I feel it’s kinda intimate.  I mean you are looking at the insides of someone.  Plus I think much of it is dramatized for effect.

In the action/adventure/war shows, well, it’s the violent nature of the shooting, bomb or whatever that on some level I don’t want to believe happens.

I remember seeing Mel Gibson’s, “Passion of Christ” in the movie theatre when it was first released.

It was on Good Friday and I made myself watch.

Even though, my natural reaction is to close my eyes when something so violent and bloody is on the screen.

I kept my eyes on Jesus.

Now, I’ve seen the movie, and other depictions of the same story, as well as prayed the Stations of the Cross which reenacts the Passion story several times in my life.

Each time, I keep my eyes open but also my heart.

I allow myself to enter the story from wherever I am in my life at that moment.

Sometimes I have been Simon who helps Jesus.  Sometimes one who is hidden in the crowd.  Sometimes Mary with my eyes glued to Jesus.  And sometimes I am Jesus.

This is NOT just a story told and retold for dramatic effect.  It happened.

And because it happened, I cannot turn my back on what Jesus suffered.

Instead I watch so I can learn to be stronger in my sufferings.

This practice has helped me in feeling empathy, not only for Jesus but for so many others who suffer much greater pains than me.

For instance, those who fought in the war and suffered so much hardship, loss and pain or those who battle with so many debilitating illnesses.

My eyes have become opened to what the passage of Matthew 28 says about the end of days…if I turn my back on one of God’s children, then I am turning my back on Jesus.

I pray everyday that I never forget to keep my eyes open!