Making Scripture Relevant

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When I don’t feel well, or feel like myself, I tend to dress more nicely or do my make up more carefully.

It’s something I have done for years as a way to compensate for not feeling well.

I can’t say I always do it consciously, but this week I was certainly aware of my compensation.

While not really feeling well, I still went to work and tried to be the best I could as I welcomed and greeted my co-workers and guests.

However, there are some people who are able to, or more realistically, take the time to REALLY SEE what is in front of them.

I think this is what is at the heart of this phrase in scripture.

There are some who just want to get buy or get through. 

Then there are those who look into another’s soul to REALLY SEE what is happening.

This week, I actually had a co-worker who called me out when I half-heartedly said, “I’m good.”

And in that moment, there was a connection of something deeper.

Celtics believe that deeper connection is between people’s soul’s, an Anam Cara, which means ‘soul friend.’

Today I pray, you can be lifted up by someone who, with just a look, can connect to your soul.