Making Scripture Relevant

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Am I really saying that a person nailed to a cross is wonderful? NO! It’s horrible!


Jesus on the cross? This is a whole different story. Most Catholic Churches have at least one crucifix in the worship space and possibly in each room of the church. WHY? It is a sacramental, a symbol that shares a story and has deeper meaning than just the object can display on it’s own. Think about it as a symbol with sentimental meaning all rolled into one. The crucifix reminds us of Good Friday and how Jesus died for the forgiveness of sin.

You might believe that a cross without Jesus on it could do the same thing. However, I challenge if it really has the same significance as seeing a cross with Jesus on it. A cross planted in the ground on the side of the highway, doesn’t say, “Jesus died for my sins”, instead it says someone died here and I am called to the action of praying for their soul and their family.

You see the crucifixion, though horrific in nature is beautiful; you just need to get past the harshness of it all. I can sit and meditate on a crucifix for quite a while, thanking Jesus for all he endured, focusing on the nails in his palms and feet, remembering the scripture (John 19:34-37) fulfilled while I look to the place on Jesus’ side where he was stabbed with a sword. It all has meaning and great significance. It says a whole lot more (to me) than a cross without the crucified Christ.

Yes, it is wonderful in my eyes to see a cross with Jesus upon it. There is goodness and beauty that comes from the pain and suffering. Upon that cross are my sins (those I’ve committed and those I will commit) along with all of the sins of those who have gone before me and those who will come after me; this image alone can put me in a tailspin of emotion! You see Jesus with scars afflicted, remaining undefeated. There is really nothing more beautiful than this!