Making Scripture Relevant

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World Does Not Know

They didn’t know who would betray Jesus. They didn’t know the Passover was literally Jesus’ Last Supper. They didn’t understand the significance of Jesus’ words, “this is my body/blood; do this in remembrance of me” while he was blessing the bread and wine at the meal.

Those who were there didn’t realize that Jesus washed their feet, even though he knew they would not be there with him when he needed their support the most. They didn’t understand why Jesus didn’t fight back or try to get those who arrested him to understand that what he was accused of doing was a lie.
They didn’t understand why Jesus had to die because they didn’t know what he meant when He told them it was going to happen. They didn’t know what to do after Jesus died.

Those who saw the empty tomb didn’t know Jesus had risen from the dead. They didn’t know it was Jesus who walked with them on the road. They didn’t realize this is what Jesus had been preparing them to do the whole time.

YOU KNOW. And since you know, you can share the GOOD NEWS with the world!