Making Scripture Relevant

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You Wipe Away

As a Mom, it is a part of the job description to kiss boo-boo’s and wipe away tears.

However, when your children are small, it tends to be skinned knees and bumps on the head.

My children are young adults but it is still my job to wipe away tears.   Although the tears come because of bigger things such as heart breaks or car accidents.

These things are harder for me to put a band-aid on or an ice pack.

The things that bring tears can be much more difficult to heal, when you are older and that is why I am grateful to have faith in God.

My faith allows me to let go, to know I can’t control the hurt or the pain.  I can’t change what happened, but I can BE.

I can BE there to give a reassuring hug.  I can BE there to listen.  I can BE there to be an example of faith, sharing my belief that God will lead them/us through the difficult time.

I might physically be able to wipe away the tears, but it is God who is capable to taking away the hurt.