2005 - Lenten Expectations
A new year has come and a busy holiday season passed. My new year’s resolutions didn’t stick with me very well. As a couple we decided we would exercise more and eat better. We have done neither. I said I’d make sure the kitchen was clean and wash the dishes before I went to bed. I sit here now with dirty dishes in the sink!
Now it is Lent and I get to start over. I wanted to write it all down as to maybe be more accountable to myself if I could look back at what I said I would do. I decided to give up alcohol, not that I drink a lot but it helps me free myself from overdoing it or feeling pressured to do it and the more logical reason is because of the extra calories if I’m trying to be healthier.
I’m also going to do my best to
read every night with my youngest daughter. She does a reading program at school and we need to read each night so she gets better.
listen to each of my girls more intently each day, especially making time to talk with them even if it is only for five minutes.
say I love you to my husband and daughters every day and give them a hug and kiss. This sounds like a no brain-er but I don’t do this enough.
watch the food I eat and find time in the day to exercise.
cut back on the things we do (activities) and the things we are involved in so we can be home together more.
take my thyroid medication and multi-vitamin because I am more myself when I do.
be mindful of the words I say, especially getting rid of any gossip I spread and judgments I make.
continue to take days off to do things for myself. I’ve been doing this for the past few months and it gives me a break for me to just be. It is hard not to go into the office, but I need time to just stay home and get control over the laundry, bills, shaving, etc
avoid coffee during the week, no french fries, no eating out during the week and drink more water.
pray more as a family using our Lenten calendar and books. I have a couple of reflection books I try to use each Lent too and will use them for personal prayer.