2007 - The Right Path
God showers me with love and grace. like the chance to sit in his presence and pray or the willingness the girls have to lend a hand and do things they don’t like to do but know it helps others. Thank you Lord for the many blessings and gifts you give to the world and thank you for revealing them to me!
Lord you are present in many quiet moments when I am alone and in the glory of the spring. You are present in the kind words, prayers and thoughts of others when they pray for healing for me. You are present in the loving looks, hugs and kisses of my friends and ones I love. You are present in the forgiveness of each day, in the smiles of each person I encounter.
God says…listen to my voice and follow the path I have before you…do I always listen?…do I take time to hear God and follow the right path? Last night at church, I told the youth group to remember to exit out of the proper doors and not take the easy route but use the RIGHT path. It’s amazing how the scripture from today confirms the words I spoke to the teens only last night. I swear I need to hear the message too!
Thank you for the affirmation in your words. I am grateful to your grace and mercy that allows me to be your servant. All praise and honor to you LORD!