Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Sacred Moments

Sacred Moments

When I worked as a Youth Minister, one of the most sacred parts of my job was when I’d have the opportunity to really spend time with the teens. Many hours of my job was spent preparing and planning, coordinating lessons and volunteers, the day to day stuff. When the teens gathered on Wednesdays or Sundays and I had the opportunity to see them, call them by name and ask them about something that was happening in their lives at the time…that was sacred.

What was even better is when I got to spend an extended period of time with them on a Mission Trip or another other trip or retreat day. It was during these experiences I really got to know them and they learned from me. These are where some of my most precious memories come and a few of my closest friendships began.

It is only when you get to spend time with someone that you truly get to know them. And when working with teenagers, it is a special time of transition. I was a part of some pretty serious conversations about decisions they faced about their future (tomorrow and beyond). I’d sometimes be a sounding board for them just to hear themselves talk. I got to celebrate with them and was a shoulder for them to cry on too.

So, when I got the invitation for the Priestly Ordination of one of the young men I’d taken on several trips through his high school years, I made sure I was there! I’d also given up a Saturday a year before in order to be at the Mass when he became a Transitional Deacon AND following the Ordination, I was sitting in the congregation at the celebration of the first Mass he presided. It is through those experiences that you come to share a bond that becomes like family.

The Ordination Mass was held the day before I left for a week’s vacation and on the day I had to be out of my house. We had sold the home where we’d spent the past 15 years and were moving into a one bedroom apartment for the summer. It had been quite a busy week leading up to the service and could have easily let it pass, with understanding. Of course I made it, though a little late, so I squeezed in the back pew, but I was there.

You see there had been a very sacred conversation held in my car, several years back, as we rode home from a five day Mission Trip. When this young man was in high school, we discussed the option of being a priest as his potential vocation. I was privileged to say the least that he was comfortable enough to share and also to ask questions. So then when he started his classes at the Seminary, of course my husband and I made a point to support him in any way we could.

This eventually led to him being a Pastoral Intern at the parish where I worked. He was able to have many positive experiences within the parish, including many more youth ministry events and trips. It also included many wonderful conversations and many more sacred memories.

So when my husband and I discussed what we could give him as a gift to commemorate his Ordination, we just didn’t feel like a gift card was appropriate. He was assigned to a parish not too far from our home so we decided out gift would be non-traditional; it’d be a gift of friendship. We would make him a home cooked meal once a month (or as our schedules allowed). It became something we looked forward to and valued greatly; plus more sacred moments shared.

There are many quotes out there sharing sentiments about the people who are placed in your life but for me, this one shares the gratitude I feel for ALL of those whom I was able to be close to, even if it was only for a season.

In life you will realize there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you. Most important are the ones who bring out the best in you, respect you and accept you for who you are. Those are the ones worth keeping around, close to your heart.

Portrait REMIX

Portrait REMIX

Trip to the Zoo

Trip to the Zoo