Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

This picture shows genuine smiles and they might even like each other. However if you have siblings, you know this is only a portion of their relationship. In the Bible you can read about how Joseph’s brothers plot to kill him (Genesis 37:18-20) or how well the brothers get along in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:29). These girls didn’t always (wait who am I kidding, still don’t always) get along!

When I was a little girl, my brother and I would get along most of the time and smile for the camera but we had some WWE moments too! I know for certain my girls have scars from some of the fights they had when things got out of hand. Although brothers and sisters fight, they will fight even harder to defend one another! This is why gave us siblings!

My childhood was spent moving around from Minnesota, Iowa, California, Arizona and Missouri. Each time we had to move, my brother and I had to start over making friends and finding out where we fit in. It became very frustrating for us and because we were not happy, we’d take out our unhappiness on each other. It was during one of these heated interactions when my Dad stepped in and told us we needed to start getting along because friends will come and go but we will always have each other.

God hand picked your brother(s) and your sister(s) for a reason. They are the only people in the world, other than your parents who spend their entire life with you. You have so many shared experiences and the one(s) whom you can rely on. Take care of them. Pray for them.

Souper Bowl Traditions

Souper Bowl Traditions

Alaska: My 5 senses on overload

Alaska: My 5 senses on overload