Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Awe Came Upon Everyone

Awe Came Upon Everyone

The communities that formed after Jesus died came together because of their shared faith. They shared stories of Jesus and what he had done, what they witnessed while he had been on earth. The stories included miracles, parables and of course the grand finale of how Jesus had overcame death on a cross.

It’s like when we experience something together as a world or country or community. I live in Kansas City and I can only imagine the excitement of the early Christians to share stories about Jesus was similar to when the Royals won the World Series (2015) or when the Chiefs won the Super Bowl (2019). It seemed everyone in the city was wrapped up in the celebrations, sharing stories and reliving the highlights. The parades for both of these teams shut down the city and was the topic of conversation for weeks.

Can you imagine this type of excitement? It is something that bonds you to each other and you feel connected. This is what I believe was the feeling of those first Christian communities. They were in wonder and awe of the entire situation…did this all really happen?

They needed one another to validate the reality of what happened and then they relived the moments over and over. In re-telling the facts, they came to practice the sacred Last Supper as Jesus had instructed. Take this bread, it is my body….take this wine, it is my blood. The disciples began to understand and connect the dots of the true sacrifice Jesus made, he was the Savior.

Joyful Shouts of Victory

Joyful Shouts of Victory

What was SIN

What was SIN