Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.



Yes, Jesus is the son of God but we are also God’s children. We are beloved!

When I think about being God’s beloved, I have to pause. I mean I can’t even imagine it with my eyes open because I want to close my eyes and feel God wrap me in his arms for a big warm hug! When I think of being God’s beloved daughter, I am filled with peace and joy but with a little twinge of guilt. Yes, guilt because I don’t take the time to allow myself to rest in God’s presence enough.

I get wrapped up in my own agenda and forget to include God in my plans. It’s scripture verses like this one that brings me back to focus. I am able to take the time I need to slow down and get back on the path God has called me to walk. I am making a pact and I hope you join me to slow down and check in with God more often to be sure I have a clear vision (20/20) of where we are going!

You Are Light

You Are Light

Burst With Light

Burst With Light