Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Depth of Riches

Depth of Riches

God’s ways are not our ways, so why do we continue to think we know what God is thinking?  The definition of insanity is doing something the same way and expecting different results.  The human race is certainly insane because we continually do the same things over and over thinking there will be a different outcome.  Why must we insist on not learning from ours or others mistakes?

It makes no sense that we believe we will be able to complete a task better on our own than with the help of God.  We regularly leave God out of the equation when attempting to solve a problem.  Then when it doesn’t work out the way we want, we turn around and blame God for not helping us.  There seems to be a repetitiveness about this insanity.

I think of the stories in scripture when Jesus healed the blind.  At the time, people believed that being blind was a punishment for sin, either that person’s sin or the sin of their parents.  Jesus knew this worldly view, but he also knew better.  He knew God doesn’t think or act that way.

When Jesus healed the blind, he did so with the knowledge that he was not undoing a wrong that had been done, nor was he forgiving a sinful act.  Jesus, with God’s wisdom, was opening the eyes of the blind so they could see faith in a new way and for others to see God’s glory.  It was God’s knowledge and wisdom that was unveiled.

It is difficult for us to see, God’s knowledge and wisdom working as it is unfolding.  We are just living our lives, unaware most of the time that God is continually uncovering something we are blind to in ourselves.  When we look back, we can see God’s hand in a situation but it’s difficult for us to see it while it is happening. 

I’m not taking about physical sight here; I’m referring to the insight of understanding.  We live our lives forwards but only understand them backwards.  That seems completely crazy right?  But it is absolutely true.  This is why we can’t lean on our own understanding but need to grow our faith to a point where we allow God to open our eyes enough to lean on him.

You see, what we can understand is merely a mirage.  We think we can see it.  We think we are getting closer with each step.  We think we have depth but we just continue to chase it.  We think wrong.

When we allow God to take the scales off our eyes, piece by piece like peeling an orange or a hard-boiled egg, we begin to see a bit more clearly, little by little.  We begin to see that when we allow God to take control of the situation and when we turn to him, instead of going alone, the outcome is more than we could have ever imagined. 

So, imagine being born blind.  Then as you let your guard down and begin to trust God, pieces of your vision start to come into view.  One of the blind men in the scripture said, “I see men, for I see them like trees, walking around" (Mark 8:24).  He was beginning to see, still not able to see as God sees, but he was on his way.  We are on our way too.  Our vision becomes more clear with each step we take on the journey.

We are incapable of going alone, we MUST rely on God and the depth of his knowledge and wisdom to bring us sight.  We cannot begin to see the richness of what God has planned for our lives if we see life through the lens of the world.  It is through scripture that we can slowly but surely shed our blindness and bring our purpose into focus.

Upon This Rock

Upon This Rock

Open and Shut

Open and Shut