Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Fill Us

Fill Us

Have you ever eaten so much that you simply couldn’t eat another thing? It definitely happens.

At the beginning of our marriage, my husband and I had very different likes and dislikes when it came to food. We would often go to a buffet in order for us to BOTH have what we liked. The buffet was also reasonably priced, especially when we’d clip the coupons for 2 for 1. We’d skip lunch thinking it would somehow give us more room for when we’d go back for seconds or thirds. It was fun to see what the other got and tease about the choices we made.

These days we rarely go out to eat at all because we’ve gotten to where we prefer food made from home where we know what we are eating. We’ve come a long way from buffet meals out and primarily hamburger or breaded chicken in the early days of our marriage. Now we eat mostly fresh vegetables and grilled fish, which we’d rarely found on the buffet and if we did, we didn’t eat when we were hitting the buffet table.

I bring this up because over the past 27+ years, we have matured in our likes and dislikes in more areas than just food. We have come to appreciate good conversation, meaningful hugs and a deep relationship with God. We have been so full of love and appreciation of these things that we are full and overflowing!

The difference between this full and the full we used to be when we’d crawl to the car after the buffet meal is a full 180!

The full we felt after eating was actually one of the seven deadly sins, GLUTTONY. We were slugs and not at all our best selves; unable to do anything but complain about how much we ate and how we can’t do anything but lay on the couch until the pain went away.

The full we feel now doesn’t come with a belly ache but it does make our hearts feel so full they might burst out of our chest, but in a delightful way. This fullness invites us to share it with others and the more we give, the more we get so we are continuously overflowing. We are satisfied.

It is important to know and understand that our fullness comes from God. We express gratitude even through tough times because we have faith and hope that we will persevere and come out on the other side. We know God provides for all of our needs because the scripture promises this AND we’ve seen it in action. There is just no such thing as TOO MUCH GOD!

Blessed Your Children

Blessed Your Children

