Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Give Me Living Water

Give Me Living Water

When I think about this phrase, “give me living water” I can’t help but think about how much water covers the earth, yet not everyone in the world has access to clean water. I also think about how our bodies are made up of up to 70% water, yet most people don’t consume enough water each day for their bodies to function properly.

Is this what Jesus is talking about? No, he’s talking about water that never runs out and that everyone has access to if they choose to accept it.

Living Water is what fills you up, it is the love and joy that wells up inside of you that you just can’t contain. The thing that makes you smile, the feeling that draws you in for a hug and the notion to squeeze a little harder. It’s the feeling you get when you let someone cut in front of you at the grocery store because they have three things and your cart is full. It is the feeling you get when you take a meal over to a friend who just had surgery or drop off clothing at the homeless shelter.

These are things that fill you, feed you and sustain you.

What are the things you thirst for in your life? Can you say they fill you? Feed you? Sustain you? Pray to God for the living water he gives so you will never thirst again!

Make Me A Wellspring

Make Me A Wellspring

Gathering Crops for Eternal Life

Gathering Crops for Eternal Life