Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Hear My Voice

Hear My Voice

Although, you might feel you have a hard time hearing God’s voice through the noise of the world, God can hear your voice loud and clear.

Some think that if God already knows what you need, then what is the point of telling God what you need.

The point is to communicate and build your relationship.

Think of it this way…

At work, there might be people whom you talk to on a regular basis and share some stories from you personal life.  When they ask for a favor, you happily do it.

But there might be others at work whom you don’t talk to very often and when they ask you for a favor, it might be a bit awkward and you aren’t as happy to do it.

Do you see the correlation here?

God wants you to stay in communication with him, to share your personal stuff and then he is happy to help you with the favors you ask.

Don’t just come to God when you have tried everything and don’t have any other options.  In this situation, since you don’t know God all that well, you might not hear his response OR you might hear a response and think it is God but it’s really someone else trying to deviate you from God’s plan.

Today’s lesson:  Talk to God regularly!



