Making Scripture Relevant

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I Know Him

Psalm 23 begins with the words “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” They were merely words to me until I came to understand the power of scripture.

These words, “The Lord is my Shepherd” are telling me God understands the role of the Shepherd, one who provides for and protects the sheep. The words, “I shall not want” tell me that if I allow God to be my shepherd, then words are true.

I shall not want, because I know the Lord, my Shepherd will provide for my needs.

I shall not want, because Jesus never leaves me.

I shall not want, because God has plans for me which I do not know, but I trust God only wants what is best for me.

I shall not want because I have been satisfied by the scriptures.

Psalm 23 is such a popular piece of scripture because it gives peace and satisfaction to your soul. Allow God to provide for your needs and you will no longer want for the things of this world either.