Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Joyful Abundance

Joyful Abundance

Walking the line between ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’, ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’, it’s all a little unsteady as we navigate life. Not just in this purgatory time of the COVID-19/Shelter in Place but in the upcoming scriptures this week (and life in general).

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and will hear stories of Jesus being honored with a parade when entering Jerusalem; then with the flip of a coin he is being paraded out of the city to be crucified.

If there is ANY lesson to be learned, I choose to apply in my life that circumstances can change but I don’t have to change because of my circumstances.

It is in rare occasions that I don’t “paint positive”, a phrase my husband made up to describe how I always try to look at the bright side or the silver lining. So perhaps this is just me trying to make the most of a challenging situation but I choose to see the abundance of joy in my midst (albeit within the parameters of social distancing).

There is time to dive into the scripture and really connect with the rich tradition of our salvation history that is in the BIBlE; especially during this particularly significant time in the liturgical year. Share in Jesus joyful abundance today because even though we don’t know what tomorrow will bring for us, we do know what happens next in the story of Jesus’ life next week

No Shame

No Shame

Bring Me To Life

Bring Me To Life