Making Scripture Relevant

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Loved the World

John 3:16. This is probably the most known and quoted scripture passage out there. I’ve seen it spray painted on buildings, posted in windows, written on posters people wave around at Sporting Events and Protest Rallies. Even people who don’t believe in God could recite the passage, “For God so loved the World, he gave his only Son.”

But do you know the rest of the passage? I think it’s the next few lines of the scripture that really pack the punch and make you go…WOW!!!

It continues to say that “everyone who believes in him (Jesus) might not perish but might have eternal life…(so) the world might be saved through him (Jesus)! It’s these words that connects the dots between creation to birth to death to life everlasting. It’s these words that give us the secret to life.

But what often gets overlooked is that in order for Jesus to come to earth, he needed to enter it in the same way we all enter the world, through birth. God’s plan started before the birth of Jesus and even before his conception. Many people get the details of the Immaculate Conception wrong by believing that the Immaculate Conception is when Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. It does make sense to us through human understanding. However, the Immaculate Conception is actually when Mary, the mother of Jesus was conceived without sin.

So, it all starts with conception, Mary’s conception. It was Mary who was the vessel upon which Jesus came into the world. God had chosen Mary for this role long before Jesus began his journey on earth. It was Mary’s conception that was immaculate because she was without sin so Jesus would remain sinless and unblemished. The perfect lamb.

God has a plan. It’s a plan that we do not know or understand but through scripture you can see how God’s plan has been in action since the beginning. From the beginning, we can see evidence of the Holy Trinity. We see how Jesus and the Holy Spirit have always been and always will be because they are God. It’s a beautiful mystery but through faith, it makes 100% sense.

God gave us his Son; he gave himself. Then Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit; he gave himself. And each day the Holy Spirit gives us evidence of God through the love we share. It is completely the alpha omega, beginning and end. The Holy Trinity, three in one, the complete package of who is, who was and is to come!