Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Narrow Gate

Narrow Gate

This week’s readings are a reminder that God’s love and mercy are wide, but the gate is narrow.  So often the focus is put on the fact that the gate is narrow, giving the illusion that it is hard to get through or that only a few will get through.  However, in the 2nd reading it says that all are invited, which tells me that God does want each one of His children to return to Him.  It is just not an easy road to get to the gate.  There are obstacles to overcome and sin to be forgiven.

Don’t forget the first part of the Gospel says God’s love and mercy are abundant and unconditional, so perhaps this is WHY the gate is narrow.  Think about it, God loves His children so much, He wants to welcome in each individual, one at a time, into His kingdom.  Regardless of how many times you fall, trip up or go down your own path, God loves you and forgives you.

As a parent, I understand that kind of love and I understand that the relationship I have with each of my kids is different and each of them would require a different type of hug from me for them to know that they are forgiven and loved.  I don’t love one more than another, I simply need to express my life for them differently, and so I believe this is true of God too.

No two people are alike, even twins have experienced life differently or take away different things from the same experiences.  God wants to give each of His children that special attention, to let them know that they are forgiven and that they are loved.  And He wants to do it in only the way that each person needs to be able to understand and accept.

Yes, the gate is narrow, and it is a hard road to get there, but on the journey, there are opportunities to grow in relationship with God.  And even if don’t choose to grow in relationship with God, He is waiting on the other side of the narrow gate to welcome you, to shower you with His unconditional love and abundant mercy!

He Disciplines

He Disciplines

Firm Steps

Firm Steps