Making Scripture Relevant

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Refine Me




When I look up the definitions of these words, they are all verbs, actions to be taken. Alone, they are just words to me but together they give me the reminder that I should be letting go of unwanted elements in my life, removing contaminants that take over and killing off bad habits that have formed. It takes a lot of time, attention and energy to live a Christian life. I am guilty of getting lazy, unfocused and allowing myself to not always live out my beliefs. This scripture is a “palm to the forehead”, wake up message to get myself together.

An example of some unwanted elements would be like having too much clutter in my house or carrying around resentment or frustration about a situation that I don’t have any control over the outcome of but still allow it to bring negativity into my life. Some others include allowing distractions into my life which keep me from spending time on my relationship with God, myself and with those I love. Things like stress, anxiety or worry are BIG elements I don’t want taking up too much time in my life!

As for contaminants, these are impurities such as me not speaking kindnesses, bending the truth or using curse words. Others might be giving time to activities that don’t help me grow or build me up physically, emotionally or spiritually. When I allow contaminants in, I have less space for God to inhabit and then I become no good to anyone!

Bad habits. Well, these of course are different for everyone but in my life it includes not prioritizing my time so I can workout daily and/or do my stretches-strength exercises for my back. It includes me not maintaining connections to people in my life on a regular basis, primarily people whom I love and care about; instead I spend time reading or watching TV or scanning social media. And probably my worst bad habit is putting off tasks I don’t want to do or don’t like to do until I absolutely have to do it.

I NEED to be refined and purified. I NEED to sacrifice some of myself for the sake of myself and others. I have no excuse other than I have allowed these things to distract, contaminate and take up space in my life. Jesus has already done his part to prepare the way for me. God has gifted me with everything I need to be the daughter he created me to be; what have done or what am I doing?

Well, if you are like me and have allowed some bad habits to creep into your life, it’s okay. Jesus actually knows this can happen from time to time which is when the sacrament of reconciliation comes in, to give us the help we need to clean up our act and get back on the path prepared for us. Sharing our faults, speaking them out loud makes us come face to face with the habits we wish to change. This action allows us to take ownership of our words and actions, then create a plan to change.

Refine. Purify. Sacrifice. These are the things I need to do in order to follow the path Jesus has prepared for me. I am ready!