Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Steadfast Love

Steadfast Love

There are many days when I don’t feel worthy of God. I look at myself in the mirror and see my flaws. I make a resolution to eat well and then eat a brownie after lunch. I tell myself to watch my words and then yell profanity at the driver of the car who just took my parking spot. I am not perfect.

The beauty of it is that God knows I’m not perfect. I was created perfectly imperfect. I am created incomplete. I am complete when I seek God with all of my heart, mind and soul. I am complete will I feel loved and give it in return.

But because I am not perfect, there are many times when I don’t show up in a loving way. Times when I am carrying stress or worry about my problems, and don’t listen when friends or family are hurting too. I’m embarrassed to admit that I can be a hoarder of sympathy and compassion; these emotions turned actions are ones I don’t like to give or receive.

It is because of the way I see myself and all that am not that gives me the idea; I’m not worthy. I see myself through human eyes. I see the pile of things I wish I could do or want to do and continue to fail to do. I see where I am and I see how far I still need to go before I can be like Jesus. I feel unworthy.

Fortunately for all of us, God completes us and makes us worthy. God’s love, grace and forgiveness is unending and unconditional. We don’t have to do anything or be anything in order to earn it. It’s already ours, we simply have to accept it and receive it into our hearts, minds and souls. It is humbling when I compare the amount of blessings and gifts God gives to me because I cannot even come close to repaying it. I am indebted to God for it all but unlike debts I accrue here on earth. my debt to God has already been paid!

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You Are

