Making Scripture Relevant

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God’s thumbprint is on EVERYTHING! No matter where you go you can find the handiwork of God, you just need to look. Sometimes it is easily recognizable like in this picture and other times you need to really look hard, past your own judgments and insecurities.

Too often we don’t even slow down enough to appreciate the beauty that is before us, or look for it in our everyday lives. It’s something that requires practice to do. When we see light streaming in through our window in the morning, we might get mad that the sun is shining and pull the cover over our heads, when instead we could look at the sunlight as God’s thumbprint and give thanks.

It’s the end of January, it’s cold and wet. Lately I’ve heard many people grumbling about how they are “so over winter”; they can’t wait for summer! However, I imagine these same people complaining when summer gets to hot and humid how they are “so over summer”! Its all about appreciating what season you are in and being grateful for the detail God put into the process of new growth, blooming, harvest and renewal that happens in spring, summer, fall and winter.

Another place I see God’s thumbprint right now is in the snow that comes at this time of year. People cannot deny it’s beauty, even though they might complain that they need to shovel it or that it makes their morning commute to work a mess. I find snow peaceful. It is a tangible reminder of how creative God is because not one snowflake is alike just as no human being is alike. It’s sow amazing!

I love how intricate a snowflake is and how much went into creating not just one but millions and billions to be unique all on it’s own. The starts in the universe are like this too, not one is the same when you look closely but from a distance you think they all are the same. I can’t help to think about God spending time creating and constructing the snowflakes or the stars and if he spent so much energy creating these things, how much more he gave to creating each of us! I am in AWE!

Seriously, we are God’s beloved children, and as a parent this fact humbles me all the more! When I think about how much I love my children as a whole, in general because they are my daughters it fills me with happiness. But when I think about them each individually with their different personalities, quirks and unique gifts, I could just bubble over with joy!!! I can just see God watching each of us with pride, just as a new parent watches their toddler attempt their first steps, He is watching ours too!

YOU are an example of God’s thumbprint on the world. YOU are a beloved child of God. YOU were created beautifully, uniquely and with pride by the master of the universe. For this I am grateful!