Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Turn to the Lord

Turn to the Lord

I am a creature of habit. This means even when I set an alarm, I tend to wake up at the same time each day and even if I’m not fully awake, I find my way into the other room to begin my daily yoga. This is just what I do.

There are days that I am such a slave to my routine that I don’t think past my own needs. I can slip into the ME, ME, ME mindset pretty quickly and easily. This mindset keeps me from creating and maintaining relationships, not just with my family, friends and co-workers but also with God.

This is not good for anyone. God’s intention is not for me to stand still and stay in one place. The idea is for me to grow and interact with others and with Him; to be in communion. I need to schedule time to reach out to others and turn to God because life is not designed to be an individual sport.

So, it makes sense that if I’m a creature of habit, I need to create the habit to reach out to others and to turn to God. I can do this by writing out my intentions and scheduling designated time to spend time with others and with God. I find the more I do this, the happier I am. Why would this be? I believe it is God’s reward to me for doing what He wants me to do.

Called to Save

Called to Save

Boldly Proclaim

Boldly Proclaim