Making Scripture Relevant

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With Him

Before Jesus was arrested, he celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples. At this meal, he took bread and wine, blessed it and gave it to those who gathered. This is what we do when we celebrate Mass.

After the meal, Jesus got down and wash each of their feet. This was done as an act of service in order to model for each of us how we should go out and serve one another. Jesus wanted to share with the disciples one more time how important it is to care for one another. He wanted to model for them how we need to put ourselves aside, put our own needs on a shelf in order to be present for others.

Jesus doesn’t just tell us what to do, he shows us what to do. Plus, he gives us all of the tools we need to accomplish what we are supposed to do. Jesus fills us with his body and blood so we are filled and nourished. Then we are given our hands, feet, hearts and minds to go out in search of those who need to hear the message. There are so many people who are “starving” and need to be filled with the love of Jesus Christ.

Give thanks and praise to Jesus for the gift of himself in the Eucharist. Now “go out and make disciples of every nation!” (Matthew 28:19)