Making Scripture Relevant

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You Are Chosen

God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. This is something I heard several times while I was working as a Youth Minister. It was a phrase used to remind our teens about their potential and also to help us as their leaders to have the confidence we were not alone in this job.

I especially love this scripture reading from Samuel. Primarily because Samuel heard God’s voice at and early age but didn’t know it was God. Finally after being told, it was God, Samuel responded, “Here I am Lord, Your Servant is Listening.” So now in this scripture, Samuel is following God’s request to find the one whom God has chosen to be the King.

When Samuel gets to Jesse’s house, he is presented with Jesse’s sons. Samuel is pleased with what he sees but God was not. God wants David, the youngest of the sons who is still out tending to the sheep. When Samuel sees David, he had to think God was mistaken, surely this child was not the one who would be the next king! Then God tells Samuel, “not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.”

What I love about it is that I don’t need to worry about trying to be perfect, I just need to be concerned about being myself because God makes up for what I lack; making me perfect!