In a few short sentences share the desert places and mountain top experiences, maybe including specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times. CLICK FOR MORE…
I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.
In a few short sentences share the desert places and mountain top experiences, maybe including specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times. CLICK FOR MORE…
You know that warm and cozy feeling when you can snuggle up, you just want the world to stop in that moment. But you can’t freeze-frame those moments, unfortunately. CLICK FOR MORE…
Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated - revision - LOVE others as you would like to be LOVED! CLICK FOR MORE…
Remember as you go about your day that you are created by God and you are called to go color the world with your gifts and talents. CLICK FOR MORE…
What began as a beautifully symbolic action to show love and dedication to another person, forever, was no longer forever. CLICK FOR MORE…
The pain Jesus had to go through and His sacrificing Himself had to happen so that the resurrection could happen! CLICK FOR MORE…
When I let society tell me or allowed other people to define what was enough, then I often felt the opposite of smart and strong. CLICK FOR MORE…
In the scripture, Jesus’ instructions to the disciples are specific, and His instructions for me and you are specific too. CLICK FOR MORE…
To be Jesus’ hands and feet, you must be willing and able to take the good and the bad. Sometimes caring for others or loving someone who hurts you is the hardest thing you will ever have to do. CLICK FOR MORE…