Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

2008 - New Year

A new year and the promise of hope and new beginnings is upon us.

I look forward in my own life and see a renewed family. My husband is energized and excited about a new job and the changes ahead because of the new job. Each of the girls have their own “new” things as they begin sports seasons. They will face new challenges at school as new concepts are introduced.

Then there is me. I am trying to “cope” or “keep up” with everyone’s new exciting things while starting my own new things. I jump into the new year with both feet starting the second semester of classes and making sure everyone has all they need to be successful. The time off we had a Christmas will be missed!!!

Christmas was spent with many members of my family, especially my husband and my girls. They are at an age where we really get to hang out and enjoy each other. Now as I look back at those relaxing time and then look ahead at the chaos that will be our lives in the next season, I feel a bit sad. I understand that I’m letting go so I can create space for new joys and opportunities for growth…but can’t I just stay here on the mountaintop with you Lord for a little while longer???

I thank you Lord for the blessings you have bestowed on me, my family and all those who love you. May you continue to be faithful as we seek to be with you in all we do and say…I love you forever!

2008 - What are you looking for?

2007 - A prayer to my family at Christmas