Making Scripture Relevant

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Architect and Maker

I played a game as a kid that I think was called M.A.S.H but can’t really remember is that was an acronym for something and if it was, what it meant.  However, I do remember that one person would ask another person a series of questions where they could give 3 or 4 answers per category.  For example, you would ask them to name people they would like to marry, what kind of house they’d like to live in, how many kids they will have, etc.

Depending on who you played with, sometimes there were only a few categories, but others liked to get very detailed in their questions.  Such as asking you what type of car you’d like to drive and then asking what color you wanted your car to be.  Regardless, once all of the information was collected, you’d begin a process of eliminating the choices until there was only one item left in each category.  In the end, you’d have a full description of a person’s life. 

Of course, this is completely fictional.  No one is able to confidently know what their lives will look like, where they will live, who they will marry and what kind of car they will drive.  One could give an educated guess, but to know for certain what your life’s situation will be in five years, or even one year, it would only be a guess.

I mean, one year ago this week, my husband and I were in St. Louis celebrating my husband’s birthday by attending a couple of baseball games, and we got the call that my husband was acquiring a couple of projects in Austin.  We have had no idea that we were about to pick up and move after living in Kansas City for our entire 29-year marriage, and after I’d just began a new job in January.  It was a bit of a shock, but the decision to move was easy.

I imagine this is how Abraham and Sarah felt when God told them they were going to have descendants as countless as the stars; a little shocked but ready to do and accept whatever God had planned for them.  Abraham and Sarah probably had no idea it was possible for them to have a child at such an old age, but God made it happen.  For us, it was a desire to move to Colorado where we could spend more time outdoors hiking and biking.  We had no idea we could have the lifestyle we desired in Texas!

I realized that in real life, unlike in the game I played as a child, I cannot choose the options in each of the categories because they have already been chosen for me by God.  God knows where I will be in five years, and I just need to trust.  Yes, I could fight the changes and try to blaze my own trail, but I believe that God will get His way in the end.

God’s will for me will happen whether I let go and let God or if I try to be the captain of my own adventure.  I can make decisions (big and small) without God’s help, or I can turn to God for guidance.  This is really my only choice, whether or not I will open myself up to listen for God to lead me where I am to go today.  So, I choose to let go and let God lead my decisions because in the end, His is the one who created me for a purpose, and He knows what that purpose is.  I am not going to stand in the way of God’s plan, whatever it is, I trust it will be better than anything I could have imagined on my own.