Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Bless His Holy Name

Bless His Holy Name

So often I take for granted ALL God has created for my pleasure. The fact that the earth is rotating around the sun right this very moment and I’m completely unaware of it, reminds me of how much God does for me each day.

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the person said, “you don’t think about the oxygen in the room until my hands are around your neck, choking you and you are then very aware of oxygen you are not getting.” I think this is the human way. We don’t acknowledge the abundance we have until something is missing and then what?

I know I am guilty of throwing a tantrum worthy of an Oscar if I am missing something I had and now need but can’t seem to get enough of it at the very moment I want it or need it. Then I act as if it is the most important thing in the world even though I haven’t seen or thought about it for years. For example think of all of your high school memorabilia such as a letter jacket or yearbook. It just sits there in a closet and the minute someone decides to throw it away, it becomes your most prized possession!

I am looking forward to the discipline LENT brings to my life when I am very intentional about my prayer time and choosing some kind of alms I will give and something which I’ll fast from. In my bible study this week, I took out my phone and on my notes page found the list of all of things I’ve worked on every lent since 2012! Each year I have chosen some kind of practice to fall into each of the three Lenten disciplines, prayer, alms and fast.

As I looked through the items I had focused on each year it was interesting to see what I had done. Some of the items became regular practices or my fasting from them became permanent. It was a good reminder as I prepare for another Lent how some of the things I had worked on, I had conquered yet other things are still vices. I’m chipping away at them and it’s nice to see the progress.

My point of all of this, is that no matter what I forget, when I hear the name of Jesus/God/Holy Spirit, it gives me pause. I am immediately aware and listening because those names draw my attention and respect. The names are HOLY. I am immediately reminded how I am blessed beyond measure to be able to speak to and about them. Bless His Holy Name!



I am the Lord

I am the Lord