Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

You Are Baptized

You Are Baptized

The scriptures have been telling an intentional story, beginning at the beginning of Advent.  It began with the story of Mary learning she was going to have a child, then to her going to stay with her cousin and about the journey to Bethlehem.  Though the stories are ones heard often, they are told for a purpose.  It is to prepare you for the coming of Jesus.

And of course, it is strange to celebrate the birth of someone who is physically not being born, but the desired outcome is for you to have a spiritual birth, allowing Jesus to be born again in your life.  And the scripture that follows tell of wise men coming to see the newborn and to pay him homage and give him gifts; all to remind you that Christmas is not just about the physical gifts you place under the tree, but about the gifts you have to give which give honor and glory to God.

But the story doesn’t end there, it continues on to tell the story of Jesus’ baptism as a reminder to you about your own baptism.  It was in that baptism that you were called to a greater purpose and the words, ‘this is my beloved’ are spoken to give you the strength to fulfill that purpose.  God is preparing you.  He is filling up your backpack for the journey ahead. 

It is not a coincidence that these scripture readings are shared at a time when the world talks about the end of the year and the beginning of a new one because that is what you are being called to do through the stories; let go of your old ways and begin anew.  This is how God is forming you, filling you with the Word, the words you need to hear to mold you into a new creation.  It isn’t so much about making this new year better than the last, rather it is about preparing you to live your faith better, shine the light on Christ more and share the love of God.

It is as though since the beginning of Advent God has been working on you as if you were a lump of clay.  The scriptures are meant to speak to you, change you and prepare you for the next step, each one building upon the other.  The Word of God, are the hands working the clay, creating space for you to welcome Jesus in, helping you identify gift He is as well as the gift you are in this world.  All of this to end with the scriptures about baptism, the visible symbolic action where you physically wash away sin and identify yourself as a child of God.

This is where you stand, in the scripture and in your life.  This journey that began more than six weeks ago is a physical and spiritual transformation.  Perhaps you were not aware of this happening or didn’t understand there was a purpose for sharing all of these stories.  Regardless, each year this happens whether you actively participate or not, you are slowing being changed, molded, formed, because you are created by God. 

These stories give a brief overview, identifying role models of faith, people whom you can learn from, listen to and follow.  Then end with the reminder that you have chosen faith, chosen to be a servant of God through your baptism.  The scriptures are calling you to do more and be more because you are baptized.  They urge you to be a light in the world and shine on others through your words and actions; to follow the examples of the role models of faith you have been learning from since the beginning of Advent.

The Catholic Church separates the year not by the calendar year, January to December, rather they use a liturgical calendar, separating the year into seasons instead of months.  The seasons highlight stories, important scripture to focus on and to learn from.  The four weeks of Advent, prepare the faithful for the birth of Jesus, then the Christmas season, beginning on Christmas, gives the opportunity to pause and reflect on the things that are important.  The Christmas season includes the stories of the wise men journeying to Bethlehem to bring gifts and honor Jesus, again being an example of what God desires.  The Christmas season ends and ordinary time begins with something extraordinary, Jesus’ baptism.  It is the perfect end and beginning.

Imagine it like this, that on the first day of Advent, you received a bicycle and over the past six weeks you have been learning how to ride the bicycle with the training wheels.  Through the scriptures, the story of Jesus’ baptism, God is telling you that the training wheels have been removed.  He is telling you that you are ready to ride the bicycle on your own.  The seasons of Advent and Christmas have prepared you, reminding you that Jesus has been born in you and that you have the Holy Spirit within you, filling you with gifts.  You are ready.  You are baptized!

Human Expectations

Human Expectations

