Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Blessed Are You

Blessed Are You

Statistics show people who are more happy express gratitude and the reverse is also true. When you express gratitude, you tend to be more happy.

Why is this a thing?

I call it the slippery slope of negativity. One negative thought slides into another, into another and all of a sudden you are spiraling into a pit. I’ll share an example…

I wake up without an alarm and it’s later than expected so I’m immediately off to a bad start. I have to scramble to get my morning routine done but my husband interrupts me by adding a task onto my plate. I wonder, why hasn’t he left for work yet, he’s messing with my groove! When I finally get out the door, I feel frazzled and tired and UGH, I left my coffee on the counter!

These are the days when the devil is doing the happy dance! We spiral into negative thoughts and think we are incapable of doing anything good. Then we get to work and complain about, well, everything!

The scenario with a grateful perspective would turn out a bit differently. When I wake up, I give thanks. I decide since I’m a bit behind, I’ll cut some corners while getting ready and just pull my hair back in a low bun. I know there is no use in fighting time because I’m just going to lose. I give my husband my full attention and by doing so, he’s grateful and gets my coffee ready for me so I make up some time there as I head out the door. In this scenario, I can spend my commute feeling ready to take on the day instead of already beaten.

Though this may seem like a silly example, they are BOTH 100% REAL! They have happened in my life. I’ve experienced how just a simple shift can detour my day into a ditch or bring me peace. The difference is an attitude of gratitude.

The psalm this week is a strong reminder of this. It repeats the phrase, “blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you” so much, I couldn’t help but take it as my mantra to carry with me throughout the day! When I remind myself that I am blessed and completely loved by God, I really have a hard time getting on that slippery slope.

Love and Peace

Love and Peace

Favor With You

Favor With You