Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Life Within You

Life Within You

I have to reign in my feelings when I hear people whining or complaining about being too tired or being so busy. First, it’s so unattractive, in the sense that it’s sounds terrible and people generally slouch in their posture and just look sad. Then in addition to sounding bad and looking like a wet rag, whining or complaining about being tired or busy is most of the time NOT TRUE!

I tend to keep my mouth shut in these situations because what I really want to do is YELL at the person. Sometimes it’s a , “well if you’d go to bed at a decent time instead of binge watching Netflix, perhaps you’d not be so tired!” or “well, maybe a walk at lunchtime will give you the energy you need to not feel like a slug”. I don’t want to be judgmental with my words or actions so instead say a prayer that God will keep my mind clear of judgement and to help the person see God more clearly.

Other times, I want to make passive aggressive comments or compare what they are going through to something tragic or really unfair. I think that if I “show them” with my words how petty they sound, maybe they’d stop but my outburst will not make the situation any better. Ultimately, I really don’t know what it’s like for that person and if they choose choice to whine and complain then it is their choice to do so; maybe it’s the only way for them to feel better.

So, I do what I can to avoid being put in that situation where I have to listen to it or just walk away. Yes, walking away is still rude but at least I don’t have to carry the weight of saying something I regret.

Most of the time “tired” or “busy” are a blanket covering up another issue. I think this is why it bothers me so much when people say this because I feel like they are lying to me or to themselves and trust is the biggest game changing behavior for me. I wish they’d just be honest and own up to what is actually the issue.

I certainly have my days, when I simply don’t feel like being a positive person or looking on the bright side or even smiling. I’m human after all. However what I’ve learned it that those days don’t stack on top of one another; luckily they tend to last for a very short while.

The most important reason why I work hard to not whine or complain is because I believe God sent his only Son to save me from my sins, he suffered death on a cross and was raised to give me eternal life. When Jesus did this, he didn’t want me to just survive but to thrive. He calls ALL of us to live life to the fullest. On the days when I start to get down, I can count on God to help me to remember others on this earth who are struggling but are putting in the work to stay positive. I remember people whom have had to carry much heavier loads than I have and I can’t help but turn any complaint I have into a compliment for God.

I also try to limit my whining and complaining because many of the things I hear people blab about are circumstances which are uncontrollable such as icy roads or not enough rain or a traffic jam or a long line at the store. What is the point?

Another piece which irks me is that people think they are the only ones who might be tired or busy. These days I have a pretty light load but there are seasons in my life when I was running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off; dotting i’s and crossing t’s like no bodies business. I know what it feels like to not get everything crossed of the list of to do’s and have to add to it and do it all again tomorrow. It can be a struggle. However, the same as the icy roads, my whining or complaining isn’t going to make any of the things on the list go away. As a matter of fact, the time I spend dumping my whoa’s on another person is wasting valuable time that I could be getting something checked off the list or better yet, giving me a moment to breathe!

You can read through my Throwback Journal Entries to see how I would take advantage of those times I could take a break. I went back and focused on what I believe. I came to the understanding early that if Jesus came to give me life, an abundant life, then why am I living as though I’m trapped under the weight of the world? I worked hard over the years to put into practice prioritizing my tasks and making time for God and the people and things I love. The more I did it, the less it felt like work and I began to feel like those things I HAD to do were getting done more quickly.

I 100% believe that when you give time to God first, He blesses you in the other tasks you need to achieve. So many times I’ve looked back in awe at how I was able to complete something which I thought was going to be so difficult and in my reflection, can see where God had a hand in the outcome. It’s an exercise in letting go of the control and allowing God to provide.

What has helped me the most to let go and let God? It’s all wrapped up in one word…EXPECTATION. I’ve spent a lot of time working on this word. Expectations I have for myself and for others. Expectations others have for me. And further my expectations of God and visa versa. It was this last one, God’s expectations of me that gave me clarity. When Jesus says, I came so you might have life in abundance AND that He is the life within you. I know Jesus expects me to find the things in this life which give me life, fill me with my daily bread so I can overflow. He wants this for you too!!!

Living Bread

Living Bread

Blessed Your Children

Blessed Your Children