Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Celebrate Our Birth

Celebrate Our Birth

On December 25th, people all over the world celebrate Christmas. No matter how or why they celebrate, Christmas is a celebration. Christmas is a time for people to come together, exchange gifts and eat food that reminds them of special times. They decorate their homes, they put up lights and sing carols. It a time of tradition.

People can get caught up in the “obligation” of the holidays by putting expectations on themselves or others. When this happens, the magic of the season can be masked.

At a holiday party, my husband and I caught up with an old friend. We shared our plans for the holiday, where, how and with whom we’d celebrate Christmas. When he spoke of his plans, his whole body straightened up and his smile got brighter. He was noticeably excited about the celebration because he was seeing Christmas through the eyes of his 3-year old daughter.

This exchange warmed my heart and reminded me that when we celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus, we celebrate our own birth and the birth of our loved ones as well. At no other time of the year are people as filled with the holiday spirit, reminiscing, reaching out to family and friends and remembering those who have died by carrying on traditions and passing down recipes. This is the season to celebrate our birth!

You Shall Be Radiant

You Shall Be Radiant

