Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.

Draw Us Near

Draw Us Near

As our creator, God knows us so intimately that he knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7). Jesus, as the human part of the Trinity deserves the same degree of intimacy with us! The whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was so we could come to know God as intimately as God knows us. We are able to relate to Jesus through his human experiences.

Jesus draws us near in the stories of his conception and before he was even born through the life of his mother Mary. We even witness God speaking to Joseph, Jesus’ earthly Father, telling him the path he should take (Matthew 1:18-25). We can relate to a 12 year old child being left behind on a family outing because he becomes interested in something that he is too distracted to leave with the group with which he came (Luke 2:41-51).

Through our baptism, we are called to come closer to Jesus, so close in fact that God wants us know know when he shines down on Jesus and says, “this is my beloved son, with him I am well pleased,” God is also saying these words to each of us! (Matthew 3:17) Yes, Jesus was a 30 year old man and many of us were baptized as infants, but this makes no difference to God; he already knows our beginning AND end, yet still believes these words are true!

We are to learn more about God in the friendships Jesus had, how close he was to his disciples and others. The way Jesus showed compassion for the sick, blind, and lame through healing or how he showed no judgment, only gave mercy to those who were considered sinners and outcasts by society. These examples who us the true nature of God and how vast his love must be for each of us.

It is confirmed when we spend time with Jesus in prayer or sing praises or go to Mass (or other church service). When we come near enough for Jesus to touch us, then he has done his job. Jesus’ job, though suffering death and being raised for the dead is certainly worth celebrating, is to draw us closer to God through our humanness. Jesus is the conduit that brings us close to God.

Jesus is the magnet that draws us near to God. And when you get sucked in, its hard to break the bond.

Accepted His Message

Accepted His Message

He Spoke to US on the Way

He Spoke to US on the Way